And the Survey Says…


Unfortunately, we will be postponing the reunion due to low attendance.  Thank you to everyone for their feedback on the recent survey that was sent out.  The overall  consensus was that the timing was not convenient for most and most would like to have a one day event.  I would especially like to thank Lauren Rein, Jack Coladarci, Tom Coladarci, Margaret Freeman and Rich Rotblatt for the time they spent on the committee. 

We will keep you posted regarding an event that will be planned next fall. 

All the best,


Alana Flatley

Director of Development

Winnetka Community House

Everyone – I am so sorry about the reunion – the feedback we were getting was that the date was bad (too many conflicts), we had too many events planned, and it was too expensive. When we looked at the FB and blog comments by everyone – only a few people were committing to attending, and only a few had contacted us outside of FB and the blog, saying that they were attending We only had 12 confirmed with 9 ticket sales, I think, and only 16 had taken the poll (out of 183 possibles- from the FB group size)

When we added that in with the low poll and e-mail responses and ticket sales, we thought we should take a mulligan for June, and try for a new date with something smaller and less expensive. It looked like both Friday and Saturday were bad for everyone who responded (school was the most common conflict) and none of the three events seemed to be more or less popular than the other- so no way to weed out anything and trim the reunion down.

Although we know people sometimes wait until the last minute to register to go, We were worried that waiting until later to decide on having the reunion could cause a cascade of unintended disasters on a lot of levels: tying up valuable (rentable)space and personnel at the Community House during a high demand time of year (for an event that might not take place), financial commitments for the food services, keeping WCH staff working on this event, and away from the WCH’s “Centennial Year Celebration” (I know from my Board of Governors’ meetings that Alana and Josh are up to their eyeballs, and are already under huge time and attention pressures for planning and managing other WCH events, esp a huge one taking place in May), causing people to set up travel plans, buy plane tickets, etc..

Finally, I feared that putting on a reunion that turns into a bust in June would kill the CDS reunion idea for years to come, and possibly forever.

Given all that, and the large amount of work and planning still to do for June, spread over very few of us we felt we had no choice. Originally, we though we would have more people to help with planning and working, but in the end, everyone’s schedules were booked, and we didn’t have enough volunteers, and time was running out (Only 6 weeks away).

My enthusiam for CDS and the idea of how cool a reunion for everyone would be, caused me to underestimate the difficulties of pulling this off.

As always, any input or feedback is welcome.

Sorry again,

jack c

Reunion Poll: Please Participate!

We are very excited about the upcoming reunion weekend!  Are you?  Please participate in the below survey. It’s critical that we get your feedback. Poll closes on Thursday, April 19.  Thanks for your time!

Camp is On in Less Than 3 Months!

When we put together the reunion, we wanted to capture the “feel” of camp. The Maple Street Beach venue will give us a wonderful background to relive the cherished opening ceremony experience.

The more I think about the Cross Country event, the more excited I am as the possibilities. Jack’s enthusiasm for this event is certainly contagious! Imagine how fun we all can have putting this one together with creative touches to make them work at Cross Island Woods on Saturday!

By the way, if you are interested in volunteering a bit of your time or thoughts by being on the committee, please visit the COMMITTEE page on this blog.  Your thoughts and assistance would be most appreciated!

Saturday night, we will bring it all together with scrumptious hors d’oeuvres, drinks, and conversation A sign-up sheet is already posted under the TALENT NIGHT page on this blog. After you have bought your ticket, let us know what skit you will be in!

Come on, I know your inner camper is on high throttle right now. You are thinking that you want to be at every event. We agree. We felt that was the best way to relive the camp experience, so this is the reasoning for the package deal for campers.  

We thought it might be fun for parents or siblings who went to family camp to get to participate in the reunion, as well!

We are hoping you want to be “all in” for camp. Click each “event” to see the details and ticketing information. The reunion weekend package is at the bottom:

Opening Ceremony @Maple Beach Friday, June 8

Tickets Are On Sale…Now!

Get excited!  Commit to fun! Read about the reunion and buy your tickets…now!

Now accepting eager attendees to assist in making this reunion beyond amazing! Buy your ticket and tell everyone to do the same!  Email or comment below to find out how you can be on the committee! Be in touch soon!

A Couple of Things…

  • The blog had a face lift. I hope you like it! I wanted to make sure that the view captured by Rich Rotblatt many years ago, was not covered by all of the activity (pages) on this blog! So, I found a new format that highlighted the header image more prominently.
  • There are many more pages than the first time you showed up here, so please take a look at everything! 
  • The reunion committee met last night and the slate is set for our amazing reunion weekend. We need former campers to help out and join the committee.  If you are interested in being part of our reunion committee team, please fill out the below form OR email ASAP.   Now is your chance to be a counselor!

  • Whether you join the committee, or not, we really need EVERYONE to do one thing…and fast:
  • Promote this blog aka YOUR CDS REUNION COMMAND CENTER that will give you up-to-date reunion progress via post updates that will be emailed to you after each exciting development! This can only happen if you subscribe to the blog! After you have subscribed, send the link to this blog and encourage them to subscribe, just like you did!  The ticket promotion and purchasing phase will be announced when we release the ticket link…which is moments away!
  • Thanks to Winnetka Community House’s marketing director, Josh Bucher, for working with us to ensure that our dream of sending an invitation will become a reality! The link will be sent out tomorrow!  We have to hit spell check and the tickets will be on sale in an instant!
We look forward to having fun with you!  


The CDS Making it Happen Reunion Team
Josh Bucher
Jack Coladarci
Tom Coladarci
Margaret Freeman
Alana Flatley
Lauren Rein
Rich Rotblatt


Spread the CDS Spirit!

  • Contact info is still needed, please fill out the form below. At minimum, we would like your name, email address and when you were at CDS, that will give us a good starting point.  If you haven’t subscribed to this blog, please do so and encourage others to, as well. It will make communication updates so much easier as we don’t always catch Read the full post »

Camp Is Less Than 4 months Away!! We Need Your Contact Info!!

This blog will have additions as they become clear. There is now a songs tab. Please provide lyrics to songs as you remember them and I will post them. You can email them to or use the contact form below.  I ran this by Cathy Zanarini and she graciously agreed to let me put her photo on that page because if you were to look up music in the CDS Dictionary, that is who you would see!  Speaking of photos, thanks to Rich Rotblatt for leading the photo contribution charge!   It is his photo that is the header and he also provided the photo of Cathy with her guitar. 

Whit Switzer took this picture in 2009

For so many of us, it has been years since we have been back to picturesque Camp Douglas Smith.  Fortunately, some gracious campers of yesteryear, have shared their photos with us on Facebook and for each one I use, I will be sure to give them photographer props.  The one above is taken of the welcome sign in 2009.  Thanks to my childhood neighbor, Whit Switzer, for allowing us to see this view again.

Back in the day, I remember the bus would stop and not take us to the front door. We had to walk quite a distance to get to the actual camp with all of our stuff. I wonder if kids would actually do that now.  

Our reunion is June 8 and 9.  It may seem like a full season away but it will sneak up on us really fast. We need to increase awareness of this event. It’s not a question of whether people want to attend, we know that is no-brainer but awareness is key right now! 

We want to make sure that all of our campers get a chance to attend this memorable and fun weekend. Please send this blog to all of our former campers! Please ensure that you have given us name and email address so we can get the invitation to you!  Here is the original request:

Please use the below form to magically transmit your contact information. We need your information for the database. The official invitation will be sent to you through Eventbrite so critical data like your email address will be needed and soon!  Please send this blog link to all of the campers you know so we can grow our data base!  Please don’t assume our former campers know about this exciting weekend, let everyone know!  Again, please feel free to leave comments on any of these posts as CDS Chit Chat is always encouraged!

Please provide:

  • your name
  • email address
  •  cell phone number
  •  tribe affiliation
  • cabin lodging
  • years at camp
  • Being that we are green these days, we don’t require your mailing address but we would love to know what city and state you live in now

The reunion is less than four months away!  Please subscribe to this blog so that you will have posts automatically emailed to you with exciting developments! We are looking forward to going back to “camp” the weekend of June 8 and 9 and hope to see you there! 

CDS Reunion June 8, 9 2012

Hi, I’m Lauren, aka Iroquois, who spent my summers of 1978 and 1979 in Pines and Bracketts.  I had a bit of a water phobia so you found me on land participating in arts & crafts, archery, riflery, and tennis. While considered a good tennis player, my hand-eye coordination was questionable at best; so you can imagine my shock to learn that a marksman certificate with my name on it resides with the rest of my letters that I wrote home back in the day. 

The CDS Reunion is happening! While it will be at Camp Douglas Smith as many of us would love, it will be in Winnetka and we have many thoughtful events planned to make it a cozy and fun weekend. Thank you to Alana Flatley, director of development at the Winnetka Community House for working with us to make this reunion possible. Thank you to Jack and Tom Coladarci for making the hope for a reunion – a reality as a result of much thought and effort. This blog has been set up for a bunch of reasons but mostly to provide our former campers who are not on Facebook a chance to interact with those who are.

I welcome my former CDS campers to participate as guest bloggers so that you can share your memories that made this camp such a fond place to spend the summer for so many.  You can do it by being a guest blogger or by simply leaving comments at the end of each post. If you are interested in being a guest blogger, please let me know when you fill out the contact form at the bottom of this post. 

To keep things fun and to allow us to get your feedback, there will be polls.  The first concerns our marketing strategy.  We, the committee, obviously want as many of our campers to know about this reunion weekend and attend, as possible.  

In other news, please use the below form to magically transmit your contact information. We need your information for the database. The official invitation will be sent to you through Eventbrite so critical data like your email address will be needed and soon!  Please send this blog link to all of the campers you know so we can grow our data base!  Please don’t assume our former campers know about this exciting weekend, let everyone know!  Again, please feel free to leave comments on any of these posts as CDS Chit Chat is always encouraged!

Please provide:

  • your name
  • email address
  •  cell phone number
  •  tribe affiliation
  • cabin lodging
  • years at camp
  • Being that we are green these days, we don’t require your mailing address but we would love to know what city and state you live in now!

The reunion is less than four months away!  Please subscribe to this blog so that you will have posts automatically emailed to you with exciting developments! We are looking forward to going back to “camp” the weekend of June 8 and 9 and hope to see you there!