Cross Country

Jack Coladarci would like some brain storming so that we can recreate the events from this very fun day at camp!  Here are what people have said thus far.  Please add to the CDS chit chat by commenting below.

NEWS UPDATE:  Thanks to Margaret Freeman for having the actual line-up from the cross country experience!  Here they are:

‎1. build fire and boil water at ships wheel 2. pitch and pack tent at ball field 3. rcite the alphabet backwards at fire tower 4. braid 3″ of lanyard at lodge 5. whistle dixie after eating crackers at back gate 6. canoe around bouy at canoe dock 7. chin-ups (greatest number) at hilltop 8. tie 5 sailing knots at sailing dock 9. 5 tennis serves at tennis court 10. eat hot dog with hot sauce at kitchen 11. drive 3 spikes into tree at fire tower 12. make bed at infirmary 13. find penny in a pile of flour with nose at skokie 14. roll peanut with nose 10′ at hill flag pole 15. 20 point target at rifle range 16. sew on a button at lawn of director’s cabin 17. 5 free throws at tennis court 18. save drowning victim at crib 19. stand on head for one minute 20. row a boat around bouy 21. climb rope at ball field 22. pushups (greatest number) at ship’s wheel 23. climb tree behind cabin 8 24. ball throw (greatest distance) at ball field 25. bean bag throw for accuracy at back gate 26. shoot 5 bullseyes at archery range 27. sing the national anthem at lodge 28. roll sleeping bag at trip hut 29. rig a sail boat at sailing dock 30. swim 6 laps at the crib.
One of the activities at our reunion is doing a version of cross country…if you are interested in being a “counselor” for this event, please email or fill out the below form ASAP!  We want your wisdom and help!!

 Previous brain storming…
  • I know I had to do 5 free throws and tennis serves (Lauren)
  • build a fire and boil water (Jack)
  • out and under a canoe (Karrie)
  • eat a HOT hot dog (better than a cold one, gross!) (Karrie)
  • Pitch and pack tent definitely came next. Shooting archery. Shooting riflery. Tennis serves. Rig a sailboat. Pound nails into a tree. Eat a hot dog with hot sauce. Eat saltines and whistle dixie. Say the alphabet backwards. Weave 3 inches of lanyard. Make a bed. Sew on a button. (I’ll bet some of these weren’t done at boys’ camp!) Pullups on the pullup bar by Hilltop. that’s all I can think of off the top of my head. (Marian)
  • I did build a fire/boil water and won that event for Ottawa….top 10 proudest moments! Seriously, I scouted out the right wood and everything…. Jack, you have great posts …thanks for the memories! (Alicia)
  •  had to sing the star spangled banner….(Cathy Z)
  • ush a peanut with your nose, tie sailing knots… chew crackers and whistle Dixie. (Amy S.)
  • I had to swim some crazy amount of laps in the crib. Shoot baskets, serve tennis balls? (Susan B.)
  •  I remember doing the sailing knots… I always did really well at it, but wouldn’t in June! (Heather F.
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