Reunion Details


If you are interested in volunteering a bit of your time or thoughts by being on the committee, please visit the COMMITTEE page on this blog.  Your thoughts and assistance would be most appreciated!

When we put together the reunion, we wanted to capture the “feel” of camp. The Maple Street Beach venue will give us a wonderful background to relive the cherished opening ceremony experience. The more I think about the Cross Country event, the more excited I am. Jack’s enthusiasm for this event is certainly contagious! Imagine how fun we all can have putting this one together with creative touches to make them work at Cross Island Woods on Saturday! Saturday night, we will bring it all together with scrumptious hors d’oeuvres, drinks, and conversation. I have added a sign-up sheet for the Talent Night segment. After you have bought your ticket, please visit the TALENT NIGHT page on this blog and tell us if you will be performing in a skit!  Come on, I know your inner camper is on high throttle right now. I know what you are thinking, you want to be at every event. We agree. We felt that was the best way to capture camp, so this is the reasoning for the package deal for campers.

We are hoping you want to be “all in” for camp. Click each “event” to see the details and ticketing information. The camper package is available at the bottom. 

Opening Ceremony @Maple Beach Friday, June 8


If you are coming in from out-of-town, a book of rooms has been put on hold at a discounted rate.  Please visit our custom web page and book your room by May 18! After that time, the block will be released.

Today, I met with Josh Bucher, marketing director at the Winnetka Community House. Alana, Josh, and I are reviewing the details and should have the ticketing link up by Monday!  Lots of details have to be covered, so we want to ensure that everything is accurate the first time we publish the link!  Please get excited for this wonderful reunion weekend!

– Lauren

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1 Comment

  1. cathyg8990

     /  April 5, 2012

    HEY ALL OF YOU CAMPERS….. I need to know if anyone is going to the reunion so I know what songs to play!!!!!! Who is going…need responses!!! It is going to be a blast!!!


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